Update Manager Initiated Reboot Doesn't Trigger Hardware Server Reset
| 2 minutes
This might not be a new one to a lot of folk, but it certainly was to me!
This week I was proactively updating some NIC driver and firmware for a customer to avoid a known issue where the FCoE driver could cause an ESXi Purple Screen of Death (PSOD). Both firmware and drivers needed to be upgraded to maintain interoperability. While I am very much looking forward to vSphere Lifecycle Manager (finally!
Quick Post - PowerCLI Firewall Requirements
| 3 minutes
Last night I was working in an environment that has a reasonably well locked down NSX distributed firewall, and I was having some issues with PowerCLI. PowerCLI 10.2 on Windows, connecting to vCenter Server 6.7, to be specific. Port 443 was allowed from the jump host to vCenter Server, but I was seeing some odd issues still.
I was trying to run an as built report for the environment, but I could not seem to establish a connection to NSX manager when running the script, and VUM cmdlets that are called in the script were also failing, such as:
Quick Tip - Finding vSphere Update Manager Version and Build
| 2 minutes
Every now and then I need to find the version and build number of VMware vSphere Update Manager that is running in a customer’s environment. I’ve written this post mainly as a reminder to myself, but hopefully it helps someone else down the track.
VMware have a KB article for most of their products to correlate the build numbers with versions. The specific article for VUM is KB 2143837. Sometimes these aren’t always right up to date unfortunately.
VMware Update Manager vCenter Privileges
| 3 minutes
I’ve always tried to use and recommend using the ‘least privileges’ model when designing and implementing systems. But we’ve all been there, when the same service account is being used to connect everything to vCenter, and said account has been assigned the full administrator role and propagated within vCenter.
I’m getting my lab set up again and I needed to install VMware Update Manager (VUM). I realised that in the lab previously I have just done as I mentioned before and used a high privilege service account thinking “it’s just a lab”.
VMWare Update Manager sysimage.fault.SSLCertificateError
| 2 minutes
Recently I’ve gone through the process of replacing the machine_ssl certificates on our vCenter and PSC nodes at work, and shortly after I went to use Update Manager and received the following error: sysimage.fault.SSLCertificateError
We opted for the ‘Hybrid’ model of certificates in vSphere 6, where the machine_ssl certificate on the PSC and VC server nodes is replaced with an externally signed certificate, and the VMCA takes care of all of the solution user certificates using the default configuration.