VMworld 2016 US Breakout Session Recordings Available

Edit: At the time of publishing, the main page at www.vmworld.com is not rendering correctly (it is just showing a blank white page where the videos should be), though it was a few days ago. The URL that should be displaying on the vmworld URL below is http://www.webcastregister2016.com/vmware/form.php, and you can go directly to this URL to access the videos if the URL below is not working when you try.

Just a quick post to note that the recordings for all of the breakout sessions from VMworld 2016 US are now available online at this URL.

Historically the recordings were only available to those who attended the conference (or I believe there was a fee that could be paid to gain access to the videos), but it appears that all sessions are available for free public consumption for VMworld 2016.

I think free access to the recorded sessions is fantastic and well done to the teams who got these up so quickly after the event. Streaming will be a bit busier than usual in my household over the next few days!

See also

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